Menawannya Paket Tour Irlandia

IDR. 35.590.000/pax

Dublin adalah ibu kota sekaligus kota terbesar di Irlandia. Kota ini terletak di pesisir timur provinsi Leinster, di mulut Sungai Liffey, dan berbatasan dengan pegunungan Wicklow di sebelah selatan.

Hari ke 1 : Tiba di Dublin, Irlandia

Sesampainya di Dublin Anda akan langsung cek in hotel. Siangnya Anda akan diberikan waktu bebas untuk beristirahat ataupun menjelajahi ibukota Irlandia yang bersemangat ini. Sore harinya bertemu dengan pemandu wisata dan para peserta lainnya untuk makan malam di hotel. (makan malam)

Hari ke 2 : Dublin

Paket Tour Irlandia hari ini akan mengajak Anda untuk mengunjungi ibukota Eire dan jalan O’Connel, alun-alun Georgia serta St. Patrick Katedral dan kampus Trinity yang terkenal. Siangnya Anda akan diberikan waktu bebas untuk menjelajahi kota mengagumkan ini dengan mengunjungi Kuil Bar, Jalan Crafton dan Stephen’s Green yang jarak diantaranya dekat. Sore harinya Anda bisa mengikuti tour tambahan untuk menyaksikan pertunjukan kabaret bangsa Irlandia. (makan pagi)

Hari ke 3 : Dublin – Galway – Cliffs Moher – Ennis

Anda akan menuju ke Galway pagi ini yang akan menyuguhkan Anda destinasi populer dengan pemandangan toko yang berwarna warni, kafe yang ramai dan masih banyak lagi. Lalu melanjutkan menuju Burren untuk mengunjungi 668 kaki Cliffs Moher yang spektakuler. Dan malam ini Anda bisa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi Kastil Knappogue dalam tour tambahan. (makan pagi)

Hari ke 4 : Ennis – Adare – Ring of Kerry – Killarney

Anda akan sejenak berhenti di Adare untuk berfoto. Adare adalah suatu desa yang terkenal akan villanya yang indah lalu saat di Killorglin Anda akan berkendara sepanjang 100 mil dengan disajikan pemandangan menawan yang dikenal dengan nama Ring of Kerry – pemandangan laut yang berkilau, pegunungan yang terlihat dari jauh beserta rumah peternak yang berwarna warni cerah dan pemandangan spektakuler dari Danau Killarney dari Ladies View. Dan sebelum makan malam Anda mungkin dapat mengikuti tour tambahan mengunjungi Muckross Houde yang dibangun pada abad 19 untuk Henry Arthur Herbert dan istrinya. (makan pagi, makan malam)

Hari ke 5 : Killarney – Blarney – Cashel – Dublin

Hari ini Anda akan mengunjungi County Cork melewati pegunungan Kerry menuju Blarney yang terkenal. Waktunya Anda menikmati acara bebas untuk melihat keindahan kastil dan juga berbelanja kerajinan tangan masyarakat Irlandia dan juga kristal buatan tangan. Setelah makan siang Anda akan berhenti di Rock Cashel sejenak untuk menikmati pemandangan indahnya. Lalu kembali ke Dublin malam ini dan Anda dapat mengikuti tour tambahan untuk makan malam di Guinness Storehouse. (makan pagi)
Hari ke 6 : Dublin
Perjalanan Paket Tour Irlandia akan berakhir dengan selesainya sarapan pagi ini. Sampai jumpa kembali di Paket Tour menarik dan berkesan lainnya dari PT Cheria Tour and Travel ya. (makan pagi)

      Harga Paket Tour Irlandia Termasuk :

Transportasi yang digunakan:
Bis privat kelas pertama ber AC.

       Akomodasi yang digunakan :

DUBLIN Jurys Inn Custom House
ENNIS Auburn Lodge

      Harga Paket Tour Irlandia Belum Termasuk :
Tiket pesawat internasional
Kepengurusan Visa
Tip Pemandu Wisata
Tour Tambahan yang disebutkan di itinenary
Biaya Pribadi lainnya

Bandung Beautiful


Kawah Putih adalah sebuah danau kawah dari Gunung Patuha yang bersuhu antara 8-22 derajat, terdapat dua kawah yaitu Kawah Saat yang berada di bagian barat dan Kawah Putih yang berada di bawahnya pada ketinggian 2.194 meter. Keindahan Kawah Putih pertama kali tersingkap berkat usaha Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn yang sedang melakukan perjalanan di daerah Bandung Selatan pada tahun 1837. Sesuai dengan namanya, tanah yang ada di kawasan ini berwarna putih akibat dari pencampuran unsur belerang. Selain tanahnya yang berwarna putih, air danau kawasan Kawah Putih juga mempunyai warna yang putih kehijauan dan dapat berubah warna sesuai dengan kadar belerang yang terkandung, suhu, dan cuaca.

Danau patengan adalah suatu danau yang terletak di kawasan objek wisata alam Bandung Selatan, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, tepatnya di Ciwidey. Terletak di ketinggian 1600 meter di atas permukaan laut, danau ini memiliki pemandangan yang sangat eksotik. Situ patenggang juga memiliki pemandangan alam yang asri, karena disekitarnya terdapat hamparan kebun teh.


Kedatangan Jakarta. Bertemu dan menyapa dengan pemandu lokal kami, transfer ke Bandung via Highway.
Makan siang di resto lokal.
Setibanya Bandung Sightseeing Bandung, kunjungi: Gedung Sate (Government Bedrijven) untuk pemberhentian foto adalah salah satu warisan bangunan pemerintah terkenal di Bandung, Gedung Merdeka adalah Gedung pertama yang digunakan untuk Konferensi Asia-Afrika pada tahun 1955, dan berbalik di Alun-alun Bandung, Jalan Braga (Warisan Bandung),
transfer ke hotel, check in hotel, program gratis.

HARI 02: BANDUNG - LEMBANG TOUR (Sarapan, Makan Siang)

Makan pagi di hotel.
Transfer untuk wisata kota ke Lembang, kunjungi Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, Sumber Air Panas Sari Ater,
Makan siang di resto lokal dengan kuliner rasa yang lezat. Setelah makan siang mengunjungi: Pasar Terapung / Rumah Pertanian Lembang.
Berbelanja di Factory Outlet Jalan Riau Area: Heritage, The Summite, Cascade, Stamp, For Man, Dll. Cihampelas Jeans Street, Tempat sempurna untuk menemukan segala jenis jeans denim dan melihat desain Fantastic Shopfront,
transfer kembali ke Hotel, Program gratis


Cepat di hotel,
Transfer ke Trans Studio Bandung untuk bermain game di The Biggest Theme Park indoor di dunia.
Setelah bermain di Theme Park Anda dapat berbelanja di Trans Studio Mall, The Biggest Mall di Bandung,
(Kunjungan wisata opsional: Pertunjukan Angklung Udjo)
transfer kembali ke hotel, acara bebas.

HARI 04: BANDUNG - CIWIDEY TOUR (Sarapan, Makan Siang)

Sarapan pagi di hotel,
Transfer ke Ciwidey, mengunjungi Kawah Putih (Kawah Putih) adalah salah satu gunung yang terkenal dengan pemandangan indah dari kawah putih.
Makan siang di resto lokal dengan rasa yang lezat.
Setelah makan siang, kunjungi: Perkebunan Teh Rancabali dan Danau Patengan.
Kembali ke Bandung, kunjungi: Cibaduyut adalah salah satu tempat terkenal untuk menemukan sepatu. Kunjungi Kartika Sari, Brownies,
dan transfer kembali ke hotel, acara bebas.


Makan pagi di hotel.
Transfer ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta Jakarta / Hotel di Jakarta, Kedatangan Jakarta Akhir layanan.


Transfer Bandara Masuk / Keluar Stasiun / Stasiun Shuttle ke Hotel
Akomodasi 4 malam di hotel opsional berdasarkan pembagian kembar.
Sarapan Harian, 3x Makan Siang
Biaya Masuk: Kawah Putih, Danau Patengan, Perkebunan Teh
Biaya Masuk: Tangkuban Perahu Volacno, Sumber Air Panas Sari Ater, Dusun Bamboo / Floating Maket / Farmhouse Lembang
Biaya Masuk: Trans Studio Bandung
Driver sebagai Panduan untuk 2-14 Pax (Indonesia / Melayu Berbicara),
Tol, Parkir, & Penyegaran (air mineral & permen)

Paket tidak termasuk:

Tips Panduan lokal dan driver
Tiket Pesawat / Kereta Api, Pajak Bandara, Porter, Pengeluaran Pribadi: Telp, Binatu, EkstraBill, minibar
Periode biaya tambahan musim tinggi: Musim Puncak, Liburan Sekolah, Iedul Fitri, Xmas, dan Tahun Baru

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Permandian Air Panas Lejja

Soppeng merupakan salah satu kota kecil disulawesi selatan. Dari pusat kota Makassar, butuh waktu sekitar 3-4 jam utuk mencapainya. Kawasan pegunungan ini pun lumayan banyak objek wisata menarik, salah satunya Permandian Air Panas Lejja.

Permandian Air Panas Lejja merupakan salah satu objek wisata unggulan yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan mancanegara. Permandian ini berada dalam kawasan hutan lindung yang berbukit dengan panorama alam yang indah, sejuk dan nyaman di desa Bulue, Kec.Marioriawa sekitar 44 km sebelah utara kota watansoppeng atau sekitar 14 km dari ibu kota kecamatan marioriawa.

Permandian Air Panas Lejja berjarak sekitar 44 km dari pusat kota. Destinasi menarik ini masih masuk kawasan hutan lindung. Penasaran sensasi berendam di suhu hinga 60 derajat celcius sembari ditempati kesejukkan alam??

Kawasan Permandian Air Panas Lejja dipercaya mampu mengobati penyakit rematik dan gatal-gatal. Tak hanya wisawan local bahkan pelancong dari luar negeri pun juga tertarik berkunjung ke Permandian Air Panas Lejja ini.

Sedikitnya terdapat empat kolam yang bisa digunakan pengunjung untuk berendam maupun berenang. Masing-masing punya kedalaman dan suhu air berbeda-beda.

Permandian Air Panas Lejja masuk kedalam kawasan hutan lindung selain berendam, tempat wisata ini juga bisa dijadikan spot keren, hunting foto bertema alam. Berjalan menyusuri jalan setapak disebelah kolam, pengunjung akan menemukan sebuah sungai kecil yang berasal dari sumber mata air panas. Saking panasnya, terkadang ada yang coba merebus telur di sini.

Jika sedang beruntung, wisatawan juga bisa menemukan monyet-monyet sedang berkeliaran disekitar mata air. Meski jadi pemandangan menarik, harap tetap berhati-hati dan jangan sembarangan memberi makan hewan.

Permandian Air Panas Lejja berada di desa bulue. Bagi yang ingin berkunjung disarankan membawa kendaraan sendiri, karena transportasi umum menuju lokasi ini cukup jarang.

Berdiri dikawasan hutan lindung, rute yang harus dilewati cukup terjal dan berkelok-kelok. Tapi, janga berkecil hati, sebab pemandangan hamparan sawah dan perbukitan yang sejuk akan menemani sepanjang perjalanan.

Wisatawan yang datang di hari biasa dikenakan tarif masuk Rp.10 ribu (dewasa) dan Rp.3 ribu (anak-anak), sementara untuk akhir pecan, tiket dibandrol Rp.12,5 ribu (dewasa) dan Rp.3 rb (anak-anak). Mereka yang membawa kendaraan pribadi harus mengeluarkan biaya parkir Rp.10 ribu (mobil) dan RP.5 ribu  (motor).

Permandian Air Panas Lejja mempunyai suhu 600 derajat cellcius dengan kadar belerang 1,5% yang dapat menyembuhkan penyakit rematik, rasa gatal-gatal dan sebagai tempat terapi. Objek wisata ini, dilengkapi sarana dan prasana yang memadai seperti air bersih, listrik, area parkir, jalan beraspal, kolam berendam, lapangan tenis, dan baruga wisata untuk pertemuan dengan daya tampung 300 orang. Bagi pengunjung yang ingin  bermalam, tersedia villa-vila panggung dengan harga bervariasi tergantung luasnya.

Jika memang berniat menghabiskan malam disini, disarankan mencoba sensasi berendam air panas dikala dini hari. Paduan apik udara dingin dengan air panas, dijamin buat tubuh terasa nyaman. Pengunjung yang butuh privasi lebih bisa menyewa kola-kolam kecil yang sudah disiapkan pengelola setempt.

Tertarik berkunjung ke Permandian Air Panas Lejja? Jangan berpikir lama langsung ajak teman-teman dankeluuarga untuk berlibir ke sini. Dijamin seru dan memuaskan.

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  Assalamualaikum .......


  Welcome to my blog :)

  On Monday - Wednesday, 21 - 23 October 2019, all students of Business Tour & Travel Study Program class 3 class B go to Toraja Regency.  We chose 3D2N in the Nature Field Trip Program.

  The first day, on Monday, October 21, 2019, we went to Toraja Regency.  In this Nature Field Trip, we were accompanied by our dear advisers, Sir Matthew, Sir Yahya, and Mrs. Rosmila.  The first activity carried out was gathering at the Orange Building in Makassar Tourism Polytechnic to attend and distribute ID cards and luggage labels by the tour leader.


  After that, we took the bus and began to guide.  we will have lunch at Kupa Beach Restaurant in Barru Regency.  After lunch, we continued our trip to Bambapuang in Enrekang Regency.  in Bambapuang we rested, enjoyed tea and warm food and enjoyed the view of Mount Buttu Kabobong. After that, we headed to Toraja Regency.  After arriving at the border of Enrekang Regency and Tana Toraja Regency, we stopped for a moment to take pictures at the border between Enrekang Regency and Tana Toraja Regency.


  And then, we continued our journey to the Indra Toraja Hotel in Rantepao, North Toraja Regency.  After arriving at Indra Toraja Hotel, we checked in and prepared dinner.  After gathering, we walked to the restaurant Ayam Penyet Ria for dinner.  After dinner, the Advisor and Tour Leader evaluate all activities on the first day.  After the evaluation, we returned to the Indra Toraja Hotel to rest and sleep to continue the activities the next day.

  Day 2, on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, we all had breakfast together eating food such as tea bread and fried rice After breakfast, we gathered and took a picture together before starting the walking activity


  After that, we took the bus to Timenbayo.  On the way to Timenbayo, we saw a very beautiful view of rice fields in Toraja and saw a traditional house and saw a huge buffalo in toraja.  we started walking from Timenbayo to the Mentirotiku restaurant on the way we really enjoyed the beauty of nature and enjoyed the fresh air as we traveled to see the many traditional Tongkonan houses and the daily activities of the Toraja people.  we passed the rice fields and saw a very beautiful natural scenery when in the middle of the rice fields were very exciting when passing through the middle of the rice fields



  After arriving at Mentirotiku Restaurant, we listened to a little explanation about a typical Toraja food called Pa'piong and after that we had lunch.  After lunch, we continued our journey to Lempo and Bori.  There we saw the making of a traditional Tongkonan house, making Toraja carvings, Tedong Bonga and many coffee trees.  After that, we headed to Erong Lombok.  There we saw a lot of Toraja skulls.

  From Erong Lombok, we headed to Todi, to see the Toraja weaving and to shop for souvenirs.  After that, we returned to the hotel to prepare dinner.  We had dinner at one of the best cafes in Toraja Regency, Aras Cafe.  After dinner, we took a picture and sang together and that night was very pleasant and that was also the last night of our field trip before leaving training and the time was already showing that we were getting late and we returned to the hotel to rest and sleep.

  The third day, on October 23, 2019 and at that time coincided with my birthday, that morning before breakfast I was given a greeting from my friend and my lecturer named sir Matius and before breakfast I was taken around the hotel and around the city of Toraja,  I invited him to the old church and the first church in Toraja and we took a picture with the Toraja people also took a picture in one of the places to eat, namely the coto buffalo rantepao dish, walked and looked around Toraja and arrived at our hotel for breakfast and prepared to return  to Makassar.  We took the bus and went to the Toraja coffee shop.  There we explained about the types of coffee and more about coffee.  After that, we headed to the Lakipadada Statue in the Makale Roundabout, Tana Toraja Regency.


  After that, we go to Bambapuang in Enrekang Regency.  From Bambapuang, we go to Teras Empang Restaurant for lunch.  After lunch, we go to traditional Bugis houses in Barru District.  After listening to an explanation of the traditional Bugis house, we went to the Suka-Suka Restaurant in Maros Regency for dinner.  After dinner, we headed to Makassar Tourism Polytechnic.

  That was my experience during the 3D2N Natural Field Trip in Toraja Regency.  This is one of the best and most memorable field trips.  And this is also the last field trip before the internship and parting with classmates for 6 months.

  Thank you and see you on the next blog.  Byeeeeeeeeeeee .......................


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Report Marine Field Trip In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach
Assalamualaikum ..
Hello friends.
Welcome to my first blog.
Introducing my name novitasari I study at the Makassar Tourism Polytechnic and I am still in the third semester of the Department of Travel and Tourism Business Study Program.
On 5-6 October we took a field trip to Dutungan Island and Paputo beach on Friday and Saturday 2D1N.
The first day
Friday we have from the study program Business Travel tour to do field trips to the environment and Paputo, at 6 am we gather in front of the GO to be absent and breafing to leave, at 7 we depart and the bus is already running at that time we wait for everyone to become a guided bus tour. before that we were accompanied by a tour leader and advesor. Our tour leader directs and arranges us to stand and when it's our turn to become a tour guide. at that time my friend had started to become a tour guide and explained their respective material, namely from the city of Makassar Maros Pangkep Barru and pare pare. when our friend was starting to become a tour guide we who sat on the bus also noted all the names of the hotel in the past and the name of the restaurant being traversed noted the tourist attraction. after we arrived at the printis road we picked up one of our lecturers, after that we continued the trip at that time my friend was still doing as a tour guide for Makassar material when we arrived at the power that took the Makassar material was finished and moved to bring the material to maros but we haven't arrived at maros, he went on to become a tour guide before that he didn't explain the material about maros, we haven't done it yet, while we run the bus, we sing on the bus by singing folk songs and we play games on the bus when we felt it was cool and very happy to be happy, hehe … arrived in maros, my friend moved as a tour guide and changed from Makassar-maros-pangkep but moved to my heart, how about that, when I arrived at Pangkep I traveled instead to become a tour guide, I already Called next to be a tour guide, now my name is the same as I was already called I also prepared myself to go up and not forget to take my media, I also went up and opened a wistful tour guide trying to be strong against my fears and even had to be confident in order to be seen well by the tour guide well I think the other time I could not be able to be able to be like a strong tour guide, want to be seen to be a tour guide, so from that I learned to have to be as strong as possible to become a tour guide ,, I must be able to make my parents proud.

Okay ,, keep on walking to Barru an hour later we arrived at Barru ,, our friend still keeps being a tour guide, not long after we have switched to the island of dutungan dong there ,, well we arrived at the dock at Tanjung Indah, before that we agreed first and were given approval by our tour leader and our supervisor and did not forget to ask according to each of us to be given safety on the way.
At that time, we were divided into 2 groups to arrive at Dutungan Island. And I belong to group 1 to leave early and was followed by the second group.
Arriving at Dutungan Island, we were asked to change clothes that are lighter to make it more comfortable to wear clothes that are gray lejing shorts and black headscarves when doing activities in water both diving, snorkeling, before diving and snorkeling we are explained or directed how to use the diving and snorkel equipment but before that paired with Friday prayer times so it was suspended temporarily and doing Friday prayers for the men and while waiting for Friday prayers to finish we had lunch and midday prayers.

Friday prayer was over we continued the activity and our tour leader called and at the same time absent us ,, after that our name was also called to take turns on who was the first diving snorkel first, at first the name wasn't called first but yes I've been waiting for my turn ,, no a long time later, it was my turn, I tried the snorkeling which was really happy but was also scared because the first snorkeling was really happy at that time. but what I didn't say was that I didn't try diving because I was scared ,, disappointed even though I had the chance to think again.
Finally the time for Asr prayer had arrived, so we hurried to rinse our bodies and wear dry clothes again. After that we perform Asr prayer. After that, we were asked to take group photos at some pretty spots on Dutungan Island.
And then, we returned by boat again to Tanjung Indah dock. And we returned to the bus and our respective seats. We headed for the hotel where we would rest. Namely the Delima Sari hotel in the City of Pare-Pare.
We are allowed to clean up, rest, and make preparations for dinner. The dress code we wear at dinner is batik and black pants or black skirts. And at 19:00 WITA, we were asked to gather in the hotel lobby to get ready for dinner. We only need to walk about 5 minutes to get to the restaurant.
And we sat together then ate together ,, we all enjoyed the dinner, the food was very good ,, it's really good for me delicious hehehe after eating we went back to the hotel and walked back to the hotel with our friends enjoyed walking, please name it, the name of the trip boy hehe and we shared stories about the dutungan island earlier and arrived at the hotel.
We continued with the intervention and each group presented the results of their observations and after that each group presented the ones who sang in the dance, especially the very exciting night.

The second day
Our morning exercise and our friend got together at 6:00 in the morning and continued the morning exercise of morning exercise and jogging to the monument to the eternal love of BJ.Habibi and Ainun.

After that, we returned to the hotel for breakfast. The menu is very delicious, namely bread, chicken porridge, and goeing rice. The drinks also have tea, coffee and everything is very good.
After eating, we were asked to get ready to leave the hotel. Because we will visit the paputo beach in the City of Pare-Pare.
Arriving at paputo beach we continued our observation and enjoyed the activities such as dancing dancing while taking pictures and so on. We really enjoyed our trip and we didn't forget to take a photo of the video to remember the place.

And finally we went back to Makassar to end our trip. And we arrived at the beloved campus, Makassar State Tourism Polytechnic on the afternoon of Saturday, October 6, 201
That's all from my story during my trip and thanks to friends who have read my first blog.
That is my experience during Dutungan island and paputo beach
Thank you

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